Ki No Bi Sei Kyoto Dry Gin


700 ML

KI NO BI (The Beauty of the Seasons) is inspired by tradition and is distilled, blended and bottled in Kyoto. Our gin is made in a recognisably dry style, but with a distinct Japanese accent. KI NO BI Kyoto Dry Gin is created with Japanese botanicals such as yellow yuzu from the north of Kyoto Prefecture, hinoki wood chips (Japanese cypress), bamboo, gyokuro tea from the Uji region and green sanshō (Japanese peppercorn) berries. KI NO BI SEI is made according to the same intricate production method as the original KI NO BI, using 11 botanicals distilled in six distinct flavour categories, known as the 6 Elements. The final blend has been recalibrated by our distilling team to bring out the best of each botanical at the higher strength. This bottling is at the traditional Royal Navy.

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